Saturday, January 1, 2011

remy eats & (cooks!)'s to new food adventures and new awesome recipes! bring it on 2011!

Today is the day...Oprah said it best..."Cheers to a new year and another chance to get it right." Love Oprah and love this quote!

My new year's resolutions this year are the following (I figured if I publish it, I have to really stick to it!):
1. Eat healthier
2. Be able to do one pull up by the end of the year (I exercise regularly to maintain my weight but by no means am I strong enough to do a push up, let alone a pull up!).
3. Figure out what I want to be when I grow up. Ok I'm about to turn 32 this month, but yes I still need to figure out what I want to do when I grow up, this seems to be a recurring new year's resolution and I hope this year is the year that I actually get the answer to this question.
4. Start a food/cooking blog.  Write on it at least once a week.  I am an avid foodie and love to cook.  I eat a lot, a lot of indulgent food usually not healthy for you BUT I cook really healthy meals, actually mainly healthy meals.  SO for the new year I will write about my healthy cooking and my bad food consuming and oh also about random things.  So here we go!!!

1 comment:

  1. OMG!!! LOVE IT!!!! i'm totally going to follow your blog!! glad you joined the blogspere.. looking forward to reading about all of your food adventures!!!
