Thursday, January 6, 2011


Well as you may know, one of my new year's resolutions this year is to be able to do...ONE PULL-UP.  This is definitely one of the most intimidating resolutions I've had! Why intimidating you may ask?  Well, hello?!?!  This one is measurable, I can't fake this!  I think most people can run a mile without really training.  They may be sore the next day but it can be done.  But not everyone can pull off a pull up!  In fact most men I know can't do one proper pull up!  So to be stronger, I have decided to do some (very little) strength training.  My uber healthy husband came across kettlebell work outs while reading one of his books for uberly healthy and uberly fit people (he may fall into that category but I certainly don't!).  So, last night I did about 5 minutes of kettlebell workout while waiting for the meatloaf cook (will post recipe for that once we've perfected it!).  Yes, 5 minutes and that's all I can take of it. It's hard!  So I pretty much did the first exercise of this youtube video, yes just the first exercise LOL.  Hey it's a start and today my arms and hips are sore! 

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