Wednesday, January 12, 2011

WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS: one of my loves...the spin bike!

So today I wanted to share with you one of my loves - the spin bike.  Haha sounds so dramatic!  Why do I like it?  Because you can burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time and you can just sit on the bike and pretend to work out if you're tired haha!  I introduced myself to spin about seven years ago at my local YMCA.  Through the glass door of the work out room, I saw a bunch of people in bikes cycling like mad and sweating like mad!  You see I feel like I haven't worked out unless I actually burn some calories and sweat.  So I tried it and my butt was seriously sore and after class, my clothes were drenched in my own gross but so good!  Now I spin about two to three times a week and I have recruited my work buddies Joy & Jamie (time to go back, Jamie, I'm putting you on blast! haha) to accompany me to spin during our lunch break.  Such a great work out in a short amount of time and a wonderful break from work.  You should try it out!

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