Wednesday, January 26, 2011

WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS: your local farmer's market

Isn't it amazing how much more expensive it is to eat healthy nowadays?!  Fast food places are EVERYWHERE.  They are inexpensive and easily accessible.  Veggies - not so much. An organic medium sized yellow onion can be $1 at Wholefoods, whereas you can get a cheeseburger at McD's for the same amount.  It's sad...very, very sad.

A solution to costly healthy foods is your awesome local farmer's market!  You get a better selection of fruits, veggies, and nuts for a lower cost...and it gives you the opportunity to support your local farmers, it's a win/win situation!  To locate your local farmer's market, click HERE.

Here are some pics I took this past Sunday from my local farmer's market...just another beautiful day in SoCal! :)

selling grass-fed beef and cage-free, organic chicken (which I used for Monday's meal) 

what we took home from the Farmer's market

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