Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I LOVE Costco!  They have everything you can ask for...for less and in bulk.  Yes, I know sometimes I leave the place with a year's supply of toilet paper or toothpaste and I have spent over $100 but it's an awesome place.  A couple of years ago, our local Coscto started carrying organic chicken breasts!  Score!  It was about at least 1/3 cheaper than Wholefoods or even Trader Joe's prices.  Last year, they started carrying organic, grass-fed ground beef!  Score again!  I love that I can get the organic poultry and meats for much less.  I also heard a rumor that Wholefoods and Costco get their organic meats from the same place, that I cannot confirm.

But this week, I came across this article..."Costco to Become Leader in Sustainable Seafood Industry." Bam!  Another reason to love the place!

1 comment:

  1. love costco!!! $100? i wish. wait until you have kids.. you'll spend a minimum of $200 every visit! {at least that's how it goes for us}
